BUKIT LANJAN: Shame on you if you are a Malay and you cannot speak good Malay and written Malay …

BUKIT LANJAN: Shame on you if you are a Malay and you cannot speak good Malay and written Malay …

https://youtu.be/6zChOP3Dt24 (VIDEO)

These are three highlights of Gerakan Deputy Speaker Syed Abdul Razak Alsagoff’s off the cuff speech at SMK Bandar Utama’s 1Murid 1Sukan (1Student 1Sport) Sports Day 2017 on Wednesday April 12, 2017:

“You have to read. Reading is the key to knowledge …”

“Bahasa Malaysia is the national language of unity … for Malays, shame on you if cannot speak good Malay and written Malay …”

“But for all other purposes, the lingua franca of business and commerce is English …"

Click the above unedited video clip for more details.

And, here is a selection of pix taken at the sports day:



  1. Very true and interesting.The command of both languages i.è.Bahasa Malaysia and the English Languagè must be of paramount importance for all Malaysians. To be of good value would be the Mother Tongue if parents assimilate the languages.

    I would personally like to see a Malaysia that is rich and gifted in languages. In that way our children who are the futurè of this nation will be speaking and conversing not only Bahasa Malaysia but each other's languages.

    Perhaps as a forward thinking ambition they can be immersed in more languages e.ģ. Korean, Japanese, French, German, Spanish etcetera.

    More Schools of Languages should be explored in this context. Thus making our human resources of the future more marketable to Multi National Corporations, the Foreign Service etcetera.

    Malaysian will be highly sought after the world over. Also Bahasa Malaysia & Cultural centers should be available in strategic parts of the world and foreign universities.

    It can also be taught in our national schools after school hours as part of continuing education for adults and discerning parents.

    Perhaps Tuan Syed Abdul Razak could moot this idea to the authorities concerned. Dewan Bahasa & Pustaka could play an integral role too.

    This will be truly a real step forward.

    "Happy & Blessed Easter to All Malaysians." Seems that Tuan Syed Abdul is heading in the right direction.Do keep up the Marvellous Works and bring Bukit Lanjàn to ultimate heights.


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