
Showing posts from June, 2017

BUKIT LANJAN: What’s up docs?

  BUKIT LANJAN: What’s up docs? It is unnerving that as many as 500 clinics operated by general practitioners (GPs) were estimated to have closed down between 2014 and 2016 due to poor business. So, where is the shortage of doctors in Malaysia as widely claimed? And the Malaysian Medical Association (MMA) is worried that the situation may worsen. “But Malaysians are still pressuring their children to pursue medical degrees,” Gerakan Deputy Speaker Syed Abdul Razak Alsagoff. “Since there is an apparent glut in the number of GPs in Malaysia, why are parents, especially the Chinese community, continue to want their children to pursue the medical profession? “Why not keep up with the times, pursue academic and technical tertiary programmes that suit the innovative demands of technology and development?” he asked. (Read these for context: ( ;

BUKIT LANJAN: Time for Malaysians to focus their bulk of energy and resources on nation-building activities

  BUKIT LANJAN: Time for Malaysians to focus their bulk of energy and resources on nation-building activities A Bloomberg report claiming that investors are flocking back to Malaysia and focusing on encouraging signs of an economic turnaround is good news to Malaysians. The fact that the report was posted by two online news portals, Free Malaysia Today (FMT) and The Malaysian Insight (TMI) , gives it a more “creditable” perception, unlike news that are carried by the mainstream media. “The crux of the report is that investors are giving more attention and weight to the encouraging signs of an economic turnaround instead of a scandal (1Malaysia Development Berhad or 1MDB),” Syed Abdul Razak Alsagoff said. He said: “After a prolonged and continuous protest of 1MDB by those aligned to the Opposition since 2015, it is time to get back on track with the future of Malaysians and Malaysia. “1MDB aside, life for Malaysians and Malaysia must go on. Is it logical to throw away o


武吉兰樟讯:“终结者” 对特朗普和世界其他国家的警告 (视频 ) 不需要介绍美国演员阿诺德·施瓦辛格。他是全球公认的。 不过,前加利福尼亚州长既不是演戏,在他的视频剪辑中表示:“所以总统先生,选择我们的未来。” “是的。世界必须认真对待上述视频剪辑中 “终结者” 的消息。马来西亚也必须这样做,”民政党副议长赛阿都拉萨说。 他说国家和联邦政府都要认真考虑绿色政策,以进一步保护马来西亚的未来环境。 “如果我们不即刻采取行动,那就没有前途可言。我们不断推行内燃机,伐木和物业发展政策等都要严格控制。 他补充说:“以牺牲环境为代价的贪婪和大亨的要求是不能被允许的。” 赛阿都拉萨是民政党第14届大选武吉兰樟州议席(N.37)协调人,敦促各州和联邦政府为任何破坏环境的发展制定严格的绿色政策和指导方针。 “开发商和伐木者必须遵守严格的绿色政策和准则,以促进马来西亚的可持续发展环境。 “如果我们等到环境被破坏了,才来恢复原貌将就会更加昂贵,就像我们在中国的大城市里看到的一样。 他说:“中国在不关心环境或绿色发展政策的情况下发展,使他们现在正在付出更高代价来恢复环境原貌。” 他还呼吁马来西亚企业和大亨们在开发任何发展项目时,不应只是想到利润。 “保持一个干净和可持续的环境也是为了马来西亚人的子孙后代。拥有绿色意识,遵守绿色政策和指导方针以保护马来西亚人和马来西亚的未来。”他补充说。 这是国际通讯社法新社新闻网站报道和自由今日大马在线发布的: 施瓦辛格:气候变化比党派政治更为重要 法新社 2017年6月24日 就在美国总统特朗普宣布美国将脱离巴黎气候协议几个星期之后,施瓦辛格说,所有国家都必须共同努力以保护环境。 巴黎讯:加利福尼亚前州长施瓦辛格与法国总统马克龙举行会议之后,敦促政治两端的人们加入了一场“拯救地球”活动。 他说:“我们绝对不应该把它炒作为一个政治课题。” “这不是右或左,因为没有自由空气或保守的空气。我们都呼吸相同的空气。没有自由的水或保守的水,我们都喝同样的水,“终结者”电影的明星说。 就在美国总统特朗普宣布美国将脱离巴黎气候协议几个星期之后,施瓦辛格说,所有国家都必须共同努力以保护环境。 “为了使我们能成功地为我们的子孙制造绿色和清洁的未来,

BUKIT LANJAN: Malaysia’s roads rated world’s third highest killer

  BUKIT LANJAN: Malaysia’s roads rated world’s third highest killer Is it any wonder or surprise that Malaysia has the third highest road death rate in the world? According to the World Health Organisation 2013 data, Malaysia  registered a death rate of 23% per 100,000 population! Four years after, do you think the situation has improved? “With the roads infested with speedsters, road bullies, Mat Rempits (road thugs) motorcyclists, teenage cycling racers and road users who have no respect for road traffic regulations, what do you expect?” Gerakan Deputy Speaker Syed Abdul Razak Alsagoff said. He said the federal government, namely the Road Transport Department and the police, should take the bulk of the blame for the “road transport mess”. “They have failed to make an example out of the Mat Rempits and road bullies. Enforcement is lacking and the Mat Rempits get off lightly after every operation of rounding them up,” he added. Read these for context: http://bukitlan

BUKIT LANJAN: Toll concessionaires only want to collect tolls, they couldn’t care a less about traffic congestions

  BUKIT LANJAN: Toll concessionaires only want to collect tolls, they couldn’t care a less about traffic congestion Thank you very much to all readers of this blog and Facebook friends. This blog’s posting titled “BUKIT LANJAN: China to operate trackless rail mass transport next year! Wake up Malaysia!” ( ) was very well read. Whether China’s many mass transport concepts, as revealed thus far, are still being designed and researched, tested or ready to be launched, Malaysia will do well to keep track of developments and adopt for implementation if found to be cheaper, suitable and viable. Gerakan Deputy Speaker Syed Abdul Razak Alsagoff said: “It is incumbent on responsible state and federal governments to go for the cheaper and latest technology in mass transport systems as Monorails, LRTs, MRTs etc are obviously too costly. “Judging by the thousands of page views registered for this blog post, i

BUKIT LANJAN: Go for China’s new ‘trackless’ rail technology to resolve public transport woes!

BUKIT LANJAN: Go for China’s new ‘trackless’ rail technology to resolve public transport woes! (VIDEO) (VIDEO) Malaysia has been obsessed with the construction of various rail transport systems to resolve its public transport and traffic congestion woes in its cities. Perhaps it is time to think of the latest and cheaper rail transport system that China is set to launch and use next year. China is set to break another transport barrier that it started developing in 2013. And it is a train that runs on virtual tracks! (View the two video clips above) “Unlike the conventional trains that are so costly to construct, the trains that run on virtual tracks will be so much more cheaper to construct,” Gerakan Deputy Speaker Syed Abdul Razak Alsagoff said. “The federal government, especially the Transport Ministry, must seriously consider opting for China’s latest rail transport technology. “The cost savings

BUKIT LANJAN: The Terminator’s warning to Trump and the rest of the world

  BUKIT LANJAN: The Terminator ’s warning to Trump and the rest of the world (VIDEO) American actor Arnold Schwarzenegger needs no introduction. He is globally recognised. However, the former California governor was neither play acting nor acting in a video clip that had him saying: “So, Mr President, choose the future.” “Yes. The world must take The Terminator ’s message in the video clip above seriously. Malaysia too must do the same,” Gerakan Deputy Speaker Syed Abdul Razak Alsagoff said. He said both state and federal governments must seriously consider policies to further protect Malaysia’s environment for the future. “There will be no future if we don’t act fast and do it. Our continuous promotion of Internal Combustion Engine (ICE) vehicles, logging and property development policies, etc must all be tightly controlled. “Giving in to the demands of greed and tycoons at the expense of the environment cannot be allowed to continue u

武吉兰樟讯:当今食品不安全, 全球有太多的假食品暴露

武吉兰樟讯:当今食品不安全,全球有太多的假食品暴露 (视频:假馅面包) (视频:假白面包 /杯蛋糕 ) 最近,全球发现假食品已经暴露出来,特别是在中国市场。 现在在外吃食品可以说绝对是非常危险的,因为你可能不知不觉地在吃假食物,从而危及你或你孩子的健康。 (查看上述两个附加的视频剪辑) 即使是简单的纯白馒头 / 杯蛋糕或馅饼也可以作为假货出售或供应。 民政党副议长赛阿都拉萨说:“在这个现代化科学技术的世界,不道德的商人或企业家现在可以制造假食品来获取疯狂的利润。” 他说,作为一个关心和负责任的联邦政府,在这种假冒食品还没有进入国内市场之前就必须带头采取行动。 “他们说预防胜于治疗。预防措施也比以后才说非常非常抱歉更好,”他补充说。 赛阿都拉萨或众所周知的白毛,呼吁联邦政府紧急颁布惩罚性法律,以惩罚潜在的“邪恶”餐馆和经营者,他们利用销售假冒食品来获取“疯狂利润”。 “这样邪恶的人不能再给予任何机会。他们必须被监禁,然后在食品和饮料行业被列入黑名单。“他补充说。 假牛肉 赛阿都拉萨是民政党第14届大选武吉兰樟州议席(N.37)协调人表示,应该严惩“邪恶人”,因为“他们对人类健康和生命特别是儿童造成伤害”。 他说国会议员必须团结一致,推行更严厉的法律惩罚潜在的假食品卖家或经营者。 他说:“在这些假冒食品打击国内市场和消费者之前,必须做到这一点,”他补充说,议员们应该认真并紧急看待这个问题。 N.37 让赛阿都拉萨屹立武吉兰樟

BUKIT LANJAN: Uphold and treasure national harmony and unity for Malaysia’s socio-economic progress

BUKIT LANJAN: Uphold and treasure national harmony and unity for Malaysia’s socio-economic progress (VIDEO) Selamat Hari Raya Aidil Fitri, Maaf Zahir & Batin to Malaysians. As we, Malaysian Muslims, start celebrating a safe month-long Ramadhan fast with open houses, it is time to renew our pledge to uphold Islam as a religion of peace and tolerance. Islam has been tarnished globally by extremists and terrorists who have resorted to violence and murder in the name of our religion. “This is absolutely not right in the eyes of the Almighty. They are the minority Muslims and we pray that they remain so (minority), if not wiped out. “As far as Malaysians are concerned, the majority remains steadfast to upholding and treasuring national harmony and unity to ensure Malaysia’s socio-economic progress,” Gerakan Deputy Speaker Syed Abdul Razak Alsagoff said. Syed Razak, who is Gerakan’s nominee to contest N.37 Bukit Lanjan in the coming 14th