
Showing posts from September, 2017

BUKIT LANJAN: Shocking economic outlook to doomsayers in Malaysia

Filepic: Straits Times/   BUKIT LANJAN:  Shocking economic outlook to doomsayers in Malaysia It must be extremely surprising and disappointing for many, especially to the political and economic doomsayers in Malaysia, that the Asian Development Bank (ADB)’s latest report listed Hong Kong and Malaysia as the biggest Asian growth nations. Of cause the doomsayers will still continue to dispute the ADB report and also condemn it as “inaccurate”, “bias”, “loaded”, “prejudice”, “partisanship”, favouritism” or whatever negative adjectives  that you can find. “To the Malaysian doomsayers, nothing is positive in Malaysia so far as it does not serve their political or economic agenda,” Gerakan Deputy Speaker Syed Abdul Razak Alsagoff said. “At least, the report is coming from an independent source, not from the federal government authorities or from a Malaysian analyst,” he added. Syed Razak said Malaysians should take the report as a boost in confidence in Mala

BUKIT LANJAN: Syed Razak raises funds for Chinese school, temple, Buddhist associations in Kepong

BUKIT LANJAN: Syed Razak raises funds for Chinese school, temple, Buddhist associations in Kepong (VIDEO1) (VIDEO2) (VIDEO3) (VIDEO4) Race and religion must not come in the way of community leadership and charity for good causes. And that was what Gerakan Deputy Speaker Syed Abdul Razak Alsagoff showed at SJK (C) Desa Jaya’s school hall last night (Friday Sept 29, 2017). Syed Razak and his Pek Moh Bukit Lanjan team of supporters successfully organised a maiden 40-table Bukit Lanjan Charity Night 2017 dinner show. “Though the amount raised is nothing to shout about, it still gave me great pleasure to have pulled it off. I should be able to contribute much more should I get elected as Bukit Lanjan assemblyman in the coming 14th General Election (GE14),” he added. Syed Razak is Gerakan’s nominee to contest N.37 Bukit Lanjan in GE14. Spea

BUKIT LANJAN: Wake up Proton! Even Japanese car manufacturers are forming JVs to fight the global EV market

Tomohiro Ohsumi | Getty Images Toyota President Akio Toyoda nd Mazda President and CEO Masamichi Kogai at a joint press conference on August 4, 2017 in Tokyo, Japan. – Reuters/CNBC Toyota ,  Mazda  and parts maker  Denso  are planning to set up a joint venture to develop electric vehicles, sources familiar with matter said. Toyota,  Japan's  biggest automaker, agreed to take a 5 percent stake in smaller rival Mazda in August and the two have flagged plans to jointly develop electric vehicle technologies. – Reuters/CNBC   BUKIT LANJAN: Wake up Proton! Even Japanese car manufacturers are forming JVs to fight the global EV market The Star Online news headline reads: “Toyota, Mazda, Denso to form electric vehicle venture”. “That captured my immediate attention and worry for Proton, now in a joint-venture (JV) with China’s Geely,” Gerakan Deputy Speaker Syed Abdul Razak Alsagoff said. He said: “It is crystal clear that the global electric vehicle (EV) technology is advancing

林吉祥! 你有反纳吉的权利,但你没有权利危害大马人和大马的经济效益和利益

Tom Bonaventure | Photographer's Choice | Getty Images Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia 林吉祥! 你有反纳吉的权利,但你没有权利危害大马人和大马的经济效益和利益 马来西亚局内人网站报道称,“希盟不是反美国或中国,只是反纳吉,吉祥说”在政治上是透明的。 行动党领袖现在已经意识到出现了政治上的错误,或许行动党对外国投资者,尤其是中国的投资者持续的扭曲攻击。 “要不然为什么吉祥需要公开澄清呢?”民政党副议长赛阿都拉萨问。 他以吉祥语气说:“你和行动党都有权利批评纳吉,采取反纳吉的立场”。 “但你和行动党没有权利危及大马人的效益和利益以及大马经济。 这只意味着你和行动党一直在为批评而批评,完全不顾联邦政府为大马人和大马的利益引进外国投资的努力。 “这也意味着你和行动党只对政治加分感兴趣吧了,”他补充说。 印度在大马的投资比中国多! 行动党和希盟(PH)一直害怕中国的巨额投资最终使大马人失去一个大马拥有主权国家的地位。 “这是一个非常投机和假设的指责,根本没有根据和证据。 大马接受中国的投资后,是如何就会失去主权呢? “大马人每五年就选举当今的政府。 不是中国公民。 所以,我们如何会失去主权,除非我们愚蠢地允许让它发生,“他补充说。 此外,中国目前的投资额,据报低于大马外国直接投资总额的5%。 但是,马来西亚未来的港口和铁路项目将在未来二十年内达到约4000亿令吉(约合930亿美元),即2017年大马国内生产总值的32%。 那么,吉祥和行动党现在是否U-转,过去反对所宣布的大马 - 中国投资的立场呢? 为什么突然改变“政治”心态? “我确信吉祥和行动党需要向大马人和大马道歉,  因为他们不但妖魔化中国投资甚至世界其他外国投资。 “吉祥和行动党是不是应该道歉?” 这是由马来西亚局内人在线网站发布: " 希盟不是反美国或中国,只是反纳吉,吉祥说 2017年9月23日 行动党国会领袖林吉祥表示,希盟和行动党不反对外国投资,但是在被首相纳吉企图用来拯救一马公司的情况下表示反对。 - 2017年9月23日马来西亚局内人 林吉祥说,希盟及其成员行动党既不反中亦不反美,因为他们只是批评布城引进中国的投资和与美国的交易。 行动党国会领袖说

BUKIT LANJAN: Oil-rich Norway encourages and promotes use of EVs, can Malaysia do the same?

Electric-car rally in Geiranger, Norway [Image: Norsk elbilforening via Flickr] When it comes to electric-car adoption, Norway is unique.Electric cars make up a larger share of new-car sales in the Scandinavian country than anywhere, thanks to a very particular combination of factors.On average, most Norwegians drive short distances, meaning the relatively short ranges of the first crop of modern electric cars were never as much of an issue there as in other countries. Norway's government has also aggressively promoted electric cars, building up charging infrastructure and offering incentives and perks, including free public parking and EV access to bus lanes.These factors have made Norway the friendliest place for electric cars in the world, but one official believes other countries may soon catch up. BUKIT LANJAN: Oil-rich Norway encourages and promotes use of EVs, can Malaysia do the same?   (VIDEO: Norway to go 100% electric by 2025) T

BUKIT LANJAN: Local talents underutilised? Is there still any left in Malaysia or are they just plain lazy?

Malaysia’s brain drain woes   BUKIT LANJAN: Local talents underutilised? Is there still any left in Malaysia or are they just plain lazy? It sure is laughable reading Economic Planning Unit (EPU) deputy director-general Johan Mahmood Merican claiming local businesses are not transforming themselves fast enough to benefit from the digitalisation of the global economy. Really? Are you sure there are still local talents left in the country’s human capital? Did you not read about the many Malaysian-born talents who are making waves overseas? “Do you think they even care about returning to serve in Malaysia?” Gerakan Deputy Speaker Syed Abdul Razak Alsagoff said. He said the federal government needed to seriously and honestly identify and hone the skills of local talent from young. “The federal government can continue with its agenda to help the Malays in education and skills training. But it must also not just lose the talented non-Malays. “The federal government must seri


Part of the 1,260-people Phor Thor dinner in SJK (C) Desa Jaya in Kepong 武吉兰樟讯:团结则存,分裂则亡! (视频) 虽然伊斯兰教是大马官方宗教,但联邦宪法也保障宗教和自由信仰。 作为一个多元种族多元宗教的国家,种族及宗教的和睦对于大马保持和平和团结是至关重要的。 民政党副议长赛阿都拉萨说:“这就是为何我正赏试参加帝沙花园一年一度的(华人)超度(鬼节)的晚宴,以帮助建立社区民族的亲善和睦。 赛阿都拉萨是于2017年9月19日,出席吉隆坡甲洞帝沙再也庆祝中元节的126席的晚宴上表示,全球经济疲软使得大马人和马来西亚更面对挑战性。 “我们只能通过一个大马人合作来克服障碍和挑战 而不是以种族或宗教为主。 我们不要把种族,宗教和文化与政治或经济利益相结合,“他补充说。 (左)民政党雪邦主席张企源 在超度晚宴上与赛阿都拉萨笑不可支。 赛阿都拉萨是民政党第14届大选武吉兰樟州议席(N.37)协调人表示,“我们都必须赞同这諺語“团结则存,分裂则亡” “大马唯一的途径就是让大马人通过保持团结来帮助国家建设。 这意味着我们必须帮助建立和加强民族团结与和谐。” 他补充说。 以下是晚宴中的一些照片: N.37 让赛阿都拉萨屹立武吉兰樟