
Showing posts from July, 2017

BUKIT LANJAN: Shouldn’t we appreciate and thank those who risk their lives to stop snatch thieves and robbers?

Image BUKIT LANJAN: Shouldn’t we appreciate and thank those who risk their lives to stop snatch thieves and robbers? It is sad that police have classified as culpable homicide not amounting to murder under Section 304 of the Penal Code against a student who rammed down a snatch thief who eventually died. The student was just doing his part in stopping the tracks of a snatch thief. If the police think it is wrong, then it is discouraging Good Samaritans in Malaysia. “What are the cops expecting from Good Samaritans? Go down on their knees and beg criminals to surrender peacefully?” Gerakan Deputy Speaker Syed Abdul Razak Alsagoff said. He said the police seemed more concerned with charging Good Samaritans and those who risk their lives to stop criminals, like snatch thieves and robbers. “What is the message the police are sending to the public? Don’t do anything to stop snatch thieves and robbers at the c

BUKIT LANJAN: IMF reports global growth expected to rise to 3.5% in 2017, is the worse over?

BUKIT LANJAN: IMF reports global growth expected to rise to 3.5% in 2017, is the worse over? Malaysian manufacturers are expecting a stronger business outlook for the second half of this year following a more upbeat performance in the sector compared with 2016. The million dollar question is: Is the worse over for Malaysia’s economy? “Based on the International Monetary Fund (IMF)’s Economic Outlook in April 2017 the global economic activity is picking up with a long-awaited cyclical recovery in investment, manufacturing, and trade. “And the IMF also reported that world growth was expected to rise to 3.5% in 2017 from 3.1% in 2016,” Gerakan Deputy Speaker Syed Abdul Razak Alsagoff said. “I believe that if the IMF’s report is accurate, not only Malaysia but the rest of the world will experience economic growth at some level or other. “But, natural resources-rich Malaysia must take immediate fiscal and other measures to help boost economic activities. Only this will gi

BUKIT LANJAN: Malaysia Airports! Are you learning from Changi?

A peek inside Changi's Terminal 4   BUKIT LANJAN: Malaysia Airports! Are you learning from Changi? To say the least, Malaysia Airports Holdings Berhad, KLIA1 and KLIA2 are all out of date. The least they can do now is to learn from Singapore’s Changi International Airport management on how to innovate and develop with the times to maintain or sustain its standards. “For five consecutive years, Changi has been billed the world’s best airport. And it is now about to unveil its Terminal 4 (T4), an automated terminal,” Syed Abdul Razak Alsagoff said. He said T4 reportedly features facial recognition technology to fast-track the check-in and boarding process, and art installations designed to reduce travel stress. “In several previous blog postings here, I have stressed the need for the federal government to prepare Malaysians for the future, in both education and skills raining. “Parents must also change their mindset about their children’s future. We have more than enough


11名获得大马公民权者大合照 武吉兰樟讯:不要放弃希望成为大马公民! 大马公民权申请者被要求不要放弃希望成为大马公民。 在民政党公民权特别专案小组的协助下,一位106岁的申请者获得公民身份感到非常激动和高兴。 “永不放弃,始终要有信心,因为有许多申请者经过50至60年的时间才获得公民身份,“民政党全国主席马袖强说。 他也是种植及原产业部长表示,民政党承诺继续努力,帮助每一位符合条件的申请者成为大马公民。 他说:“这是两年前在与正副首相进行讨论之后,我们的专案小组成功地第5次发出大马公民权批准信。” “专案小组的首要任务是协助华裔年长者(70岁以上)获得公民资格。我们也受到某些方面的批评。 “为什么不呢?他们已经长久性间接为国家贡献。我们应该感恩和多加关心老年人,不要放弃他们。” 然而马袖强表示,专案小组也将尽可能地帮助无国籍儿童和其他人尽快获得公民身份。 他补充说:“目前70岁及以上申请者的调查及批准公民身份的过程已由两年缩短至两个月。” 马袖强推展脸书专页以协助公民权申请。 其左为刘开强和刘博文。 马袖强是于2017年7月13日在焦赖民政党总部颁发大马公民权批准信于11名申请者,马氏也推介了以中文为媒介语的“大马公民权指南”(Panduan Permohonan Kewarganegaraan Malaysia)脸书专页,以协助指导申请者获得公民权的正当程序和咨询相关事宜。 专案小组副主任刘博文,也是第14届大选民政党派出参选N.22 莲花苑州议席候选人说,至今已有423名申请者已经获批准。 他说:“迄今我们已经收到了1600名申请。这个专案小组每月都会举行会议,成员来自民政党,内政部,警察和国家登记局的官员。” 民政党吉隆坡联邦直辖区主席刘开强,也是第14届大选民政党派出参选彭亨吉打里州议席候选人,他也是该专案小组的领导人。 民政党副议长赛阿都拉萨是民政党第14届大选武吉兰樟州议席(N.37)候选人,呼吁仍然持有红登记的华裔浏览脸书专页,并与专案小组联系以寻求协助。   N.37 让赛阿都拉萨屹立武吉兰樟

BUKIT LANJAN: At least 22,000 Malaysians who are worse than animals ‘roaming the streets’

  BUKIT LANJAN: At least 22,000 Malaysians who are worse than animals ‘roaming the streets’ It was just plain shocking when it was revealed in Parliament that 22,000 children had been abused since 2010. That makes it about nine children a day being abused in Malaysia from 2010 to 2016. “What sort of adults have Malaysian parents raised?” Gerakan Deputy Speaker Syed Abdul Razak Alsagoff asked. He said it was obvious that something had gone seriously wrong in the way Malaysian parents had been raising their children and in the education system. “So, who do we blame for this growing community of “animals”? Parents and the state for failing to educate our children to grow up to be caring, decent, responsible and loving humans. “As I had blogged previously, the fault lies in the failing and inadequate education system. The Education Ministry must take immediate action to seriously review its curriculum to suit the times. “And, importance must be given to civics and moral

BUKIT LANJAN: Price Control and Anti-Profiteering Act? Really? Why then are we paying RM2 for a cuppa?

BUKIT LANJAN: Price Control and Anti-Profiteering Act? Really? Why then are we paying RM2 for a cuppa? Bravo! The amendment to the Price Control and Anti-Profiteering Act bill has been tabled for first reading. Wait! Not so fast! So, what good will it do? “We already have the law but has anything changed for the better for consumers?” Gerakan Deputy Speaker Syed Abdul Razak Alsagoff asked. “If the Act had any good, why is it that we are paying between RM1.80 and RM2 for our cuppa now in our plain and traditional coffee shops in the Klang Valley?” He said there would be some who asked why not complain about the prices of coffee and tea in Starbucks, Coffee Bean, Gloria Jean and others, including Old Town White Coffee? “Well, that’s another cup of tea, my friend. For the rich and filthy rich. We are talking about non-air-condtioned coffee shops and hawker centres that are frequented by the poor and middle income Malaysians,” he added. Really, how much is the cost of a cuppa

BUKIT LANJAN: Exempting Malaysians from TTx is a perfectly right decision

  BUKIT LANJAN: Exempting Malaysians from TTx is a perfectly right decision It’s a relief that the federal government, namely the Tourism and Culture Ministry, has relented to the public outcry and concerns, and made a U-turn to not impose tourism tax (TTx) on Malaysians. It is also a relief to hoteliers and other tourism industry-related players that the TTx has been lowered to a flat rate of RM10 per room per night on all hotels for tourists. Even homestay operators have also been exempted from TTx. “This is great news. It shows the federal government can respond positively to the grouses of Malaysians and review an issue that affects a large section of Malaysians,” Gerakan Deputy Speaker Syed Abdul Razak Alsagoff said. He said the federal government had, at least on this issue, relented to the discontented voice of Malaysians. “I had also blogged on this last month, urging the federal government to exempt Malaysians from TTx” he added. (