
Showing posts from February, 2017

BUKIT LANJAN: At last a victory for house buyers against property developers in Malaysia

BUKIT LANJAN: At last a victory for house buyers against property developers in Malaysia On Feb 27, 2017, the High Court made a landmark ruling that the Housing Controller has no power to grant an extension of time to developers who delay the completion of housing projects. Barring an appeal against the decision, this was indeed a rare legal victory and justice for house buyers who have been suffering for decades under the thumbs of developers and authorities who exploit the laws to the disadvantage of house buyers. “The plight of abandoned housing project house buyers are even more acute and serious, to say the least. They are left at the mercy and ‘generosity’ of so called White Knight developers. “House buyers are left out in the cold whenever a developer goes bust or bankrupt. They are not considered secured creditors, and are thus almost always left out in terms of compensation,” Gerakan Deputy Speaker Syed Abdul Razak Alsagoff said. He said the decision “is thus a l...

武吉兰樟讯:谁应负责 Saujana Damansara 的垃圾和环境污染?

赛阿都拉萨 ...   这么恶臭! 武吉兰樟讯:谁应负责 Saujana Damansara 的垃圾和环境污染? 你将如何感觉如果你有两个巨大的垃圾桶在你的屋子前面,集堆如山的垃圾和污染你的环境。 这正发生在 Saujana Damansara 的 Jalan PJU 10 / 10F 和 Jalan PJU 10 / 10B 交界处的情况。 这两个垃圾桶正位于两间咖啡店和餐厅的前面,已经威胁社区的健康危险,造成老鼠,苍蝇,蚊子,蟑螂和其他昆虫的繁殖区。 “ 当垃圾车来清理垃圾箱时,留下沥滤液,臭气是最难以忍受的, “ 餐馆老板 W.K. 林说。 他遗憾地对民政党副议长赛阿都拉萨说,他已向屋业发展商( Emkay )和八打灵市政厅( MBPJ )投诉了有关健康危害。 “ 但他们只是继续把问题推给别人, ” 他补充说。 林说,最难以忍受的恶臭是当每个星期五的晚上市场或下雨后。 After the bins have been cleared … Third World garbage collection services 民政党第 14 届大选武吉兰樟州议席( N.37 )协调人赛阿都拉萨说: “ 很明显问题是缺乏完善的房屋规划 ” 。 “ 垃圾场位于距离商店太近。显然,垃圾桶的结构设计也有缺陷。 “ 要不然,为什么箱子不在 ” 建筑物 “ 内?这些垃圾箱阻碍交通, “ 他补充说。 赛阿都拉萨敦促商业中心发展商( Emkay )和八打灵市政厅快速解决问题,因为问题涉及公众健康和卫生。 他补充说: “ 最好的解决办法是将垃圾堆及垃圾桶搬离商店。 ” 赛阿都拉萨说,虽然垃圾收集承包商 “ 每天高效率地清理垃圾桶,但是垃圾还是四处被丢在路上 ” 。 “ 工人最低程度可以做的是打扫路面。更好的方法是,使用活性微生物喷雾杀灭臭味, “ 他补充说,沥滤液的产生是城市固体废物( MSW )管理的一个主要问题。 “ 无论如何,八打灵市政厅必须审查其城市固体废物( MSW )管理标准操作程序( SOP ),如果有的话,我不知道为什么八打灵市政厅如此无动於衷的 对武吉兰樟涉及街坊环境的问题? “ 他问。 ...

BUKIT LANJAN: No reason whatsoever for Malaysian government to stop supporting vernacular education

SJK (T) Effingham pupils listening attentively to Kamalanathan’s speech BUKIT LANJAN: No reason whatsoever for Malaysian government to stop supporting vernacular education There is absolutely no reason whatsoever for the Malaysian government to stop supporting vernacular schools. For some 60 years since Merdeka (Independence) 1957, billions of ringgit in development allocations have been disbursed to vernacular schools, namely Chinese and Tamil schools, nationwide. “The quantum of allocations may differ according to needs, justification and availability of funds. But the federal government’s sincerity to support vernacular education cannot be questioned,” Gerakan Deputy Speaker Syed Abdul Razak Alsagoff said. He said accusations that the federal government did not support vernacular education “are untrue and politically malicious”. “Billions of ringgit in allocations have been given out the past 60 years. All these mean nothing?” he asked. Syed Razak with Tamil school...

BUKIT LANJAN: Unemployment a global phenomenon during a world economic slow down

BUKIT LANJAN: Unemployment a global phenomenon during a world economic slow down The global economy is expected to grow even more sluggish in the months to come with many jobs at stake. The Malaysian Employers Federation (MEF) has warned that more people will get the axe this year due to the current economic challenges, at both domestic and international levels. “We can expect a public backlash as more and more people lose their jobs. And it is easy to blame the federal government for their predicament,” Gerakan Deputy Speaker Syed Abdul Razak Alsagoff said. However, Syed Razak said the unemployment rate woes were not a phenomenon exclusive to Malaysia. “The whole world, including developed countries, are seeing unemployment rates rising., You don’t have to look far to see this. Just look at across the Causeway (Singapore),” he added. Syed Razak said it would not be the first time for Malaysians or the rest of the world to have to start reigning in on their spending a...

BUKIT LANJAN: Only fools reject foreign language education

BUKIT LANJAN: Only fools reject foreign language education China is today the world’s second largest economy and is predicted to overtake the US as No.1 soon. China’s social and economic revolution or transformation in just over 40 years is nothing short of amazing. “China’s quantum leap in economic and education achievements are not only due to hard work and resilience. They are a nation of practical people who face reality. “In their quest for success, they are clear in what they are doing and in what they need to focus on. Race and politics are set aside when it comes to achieving excellence in education and business,” Gerakan Deputy Speaker Syed Abdul Razak said. He said the key to a nation’s success “is ensuring that the rakyat (people) receives quality education”. “In the quest for excellence, there must be openness and the willingness to learn and acquire knowledge not only from domestic sources but also foreign. “The learning of foreign languages, especially E...

BUKIT LANJAN: Commitment of volunteers vital to sustainability and success of community pre-schools

Tabika Kemas Flat Sri Cempaka pre-schoolers working on their colouring assignment while their parents are busy inside with their Tabika’s annual general meeting cum election of office bearers. BUKIT LANJAN: Commitment of volunteers vital to sustainability and success of community pre-schools Tabika (pre-school) Kemas can only be sustainable and succeed with the sincere commitment of volunteers. And the volunteers, comprising parents of Tabika Kemas pupils, can make or break the sustainability and success of such community preschools. “Children are the jewel of happy families. Therefore, there is no reason whatsoever for parents not to support wholeheartedly such community pre-school education efforts and programmes,” Gerakan Deputy Speaker Syed Abdul Razak Alsagoff said. He said parents must strive to provide the best guidance when raising their children. “Discipline and parental guidance are now ever so important due to the influence of internet because not all content ...

BUKIT LANJAN: Tale of a lad with a heart to own up and a rich man’s touching response

BUKIT LANJAN: Tale of a lad with a heart to own up and a rich man’s touching response The Star Online ’s report titled “How a teenager’s touching act of honesty led to big reward” deserves to be shared and used as a lesson on humility. It’s a tale that deserves to be used as a story to teach the young to grow up as mature working adults and the value of humbleness. “The teenager and the rich man’s tale is what parents and communities must promote among us on how to be a good human being deserving God’s love,” Gerakan Deputy Speaker Syed Abdul Razak Alsagoff said. “The tale is exactly what I want to stress as a community leader so that the Bukit Lanjan neighbourhood becomes a role model for other communities to emulate,” he added. He said the tale was in complete contrast to an earlier blog post ( ) that featured extravagance among the rich. Syed Razak, who is Gerakan’s nominee to contest N.37 Bu...