BUKIT LANJAN: It’s now unsafe to eat out, too many fake foods being exposed globally

BUKIT LANJAN: It’s now unsafe to eat out, too many fake foods being exposed globally

https://youtu.be/4wdsyH1cnjA (VIDEO: Buns with fake stuffing)

https://youtu.be/3zolK56sBMU (VIDEO: Fake plain buns/cup cakes)

Fake foods have been exposed globally, especially in China, recently.

Suffice to say, it is now absolutely very risky to eat out as you may unknowingly be consuming fake food and thus jeopardise your or your children’s health. (View the above two attached video clips)

Even the simple plain bun/cup cake or bun with stuffing can be served or sold as fakes.

“In this modern world of science and technology, the unscrupulous businessmen or entrepreneurs can now resort to making or manufacturing fake foods to reap insane profits,” Gerakan Deputy Speaker Syed Abdul Razak Alsagoff said.

He said the federal government, as a caring and responsible government, must take the lead and act even before such fake foods hit the domestic market, if it had not yet.

“They say prevention is better than cure. Taking precaution is also better than to be very, very sorry later,” he added.

Syed Razak a.k.a Pek Moh (White Haired) urged the federal government to urgently enact punitive laws to punish potential “evil” eateries and operators who resort to selling fake foods to reap “insane profits”.

“Such evil people must not be given a second chance. They must be jailed and then blacklisted for life in the food and beverage industry,” he added.

Fake beef
Syed Razak, who is Gerakan’s nominee to contest N.37 Bukit Lanjan in the coming 14th General Election (GE14), said such “evil people” should be given heavy punishments because “they inflict harm to human health and lives, especially children”.

He said Members of Parliament (MPs) must unite to push for harsher laws to punish potential fake food sellers or operators.

“Do it fast before such fake foods hit the domestic market and consumers,” he said, adding that MPs should treat this issue seriously and with urgency.



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