BUKIT LANJAN: Pek Moh Bukit Lanjan at SMK Bandar Utama Damansara 3’s Excellence Awards Day 2017

BUKIT LANJAN: Pek Moh Bukit Lanjan at SMK Bandar Utama Damansara 3’s Excellence Awards Day 2017 https://youtu.be/NjVRlCTH4M4 (VIDEO) Gerakan Deputy Speaker Syed Abdul Razak Alsagoff a.k.a Pek Moh Bukit Lanjan was invited to officiate at SMK Bandar Utama Damansara 3’s Excellence Awards Day on Friday (April 28, 2017). Syed Razak is also Gerakan’s nominee to contest N.37 Bukit Lanjan in the coming 14th General Election (GE14). In his address at the excellence cluster school in Bandar Utama, Syed Razak said: “You are not a failure if your aptitude is not into academics …”. (Click the video clip link to see and hear more) Here's a selection of pictures snapped at the school: N.37 LET BUKIT LANJAN SOAR WITH SYED ABDUL RAZAK ALSAGOFF