BUKIT LANJAN: Did you know five Malaysian schools won gold, silver and bronze awards in Moscow innovation technology competition?

The World’s 50 Smartest Teenagers
When will a Malaysian teen make it to this list?
There have always been some pretty smart — make that incredibly smart — teenagers around. Take, for example, the French mathematician Evariste Galois (1811–1832; below right), who invented the field of abstract algebra known as group theory while still in his teens. This branch of mathematics lies at the heart of modern quantum mechanics, among other things. Galois may have been brilliant, but he was no nerd: He died in a duel over a love affair at the tender age of 21! So, teen geniuses are nothing new. However, it does seem like there are more of them around today than ever before. Some of them are inventors; some, like Galois, solve difficult mathematical problems; some are brilliant artists, performers, or entrepreneurs; and some have encyclopedic knowledge, speak multiple languages, or can correctly spell any word. They are all smart. Very smart. Smart way beyond their years. So, how do we measure intelligence? The most popular measure for intelligence is the Stanford-Binet IQ test offered through Mensa International, an organization for high-IQ people. An average IQ score is 85–114; 144 or above is considered genius-level. Yet, some people have intelligence and gifts that defy or go beyond a test score … for more, go to https://thebestschools.org/features/worlds-50-smartest-teenagers/

BUKIT LANJAN: Did you know five Malaysian schools won gold, silver and bronze awards in Moscow innovation technology competition?

The problem with the local media is their treatment, or the lack of it, when it comes to achievements by school children.

To the media, it is not newsworthy, thus such news are given little prominence.

“Six schools represented Malaysia at the 21st Moscow International Salon of Inventions and Innovation Technologies (Archimedes).

“Two schools returned with gold awards, one with silver and another two with bronze. That’s five out of six schools returning home victorious,” Gerakan Deputy Speaker Syed Abdul Razak Alsagoff said.

“What makes their achievements amazing is that they are the first Malaysians to compete in the Russian innovation and technology competition.

“They really deserve more attention and rewards from the governments (both state and federal) so as to motivate others to strive for excellence and go for innovation,” he added.

Riding the Industry 4.0 wave
By ROZANA SANI - August 16, 2017 @ 10:55am
THE age of the Fourth Industrial Revolution (also termed as Industry 4.0), which is brought about by digitisation and technological disruptions, has the following scenarios: Self-learning software robots that are intelligent enough to replace call centre telemarketers in promoting products. Machines in factories mass producing customised orders received online based on individual needs — doing away the need for humans toiling away at the assembly line, the sales team and maybe even the product designer. Requirements for multi-skilled and multi-disciplined workers in various industries who are able to do multiple jobs at one go. Work is on-demand and project-based, replacing regular employment. Present jobs ceasing to exist to be replaced by new yet-to-be created ones. Some scenarios are already taking place while others are predicted to happen not too far off into the future. For the uninitiated, the current era of Industry 4.0 is being shaped through big data analytics, artificial intelligence (AI), virtual reality, 3D printing, drones and the Internet of Things (IoT) … for more, go to https://www.nst.com.my/education/2017/08/268377/riding-industry-40-wave

Syed Razak, who is Gerakan’s nominee to contest N.37 Bukit Lanjan in the May 9 14th General Election (GE14), urged the media to provide more media exposure and recognition to the students and their schools for their achievements.

He said the students and their schools’ achievements in Moscow (Russia) “is testimony that there is no shortage of talent and brains in our education system”.

“What is lacking is recognition from the governments and the private sector. There must be a monitor in the education system to accurately identify potential talent and to hone their skills,” he added.

Syed Razak said the only way for Malaysia to achieve developed nation status “is to raise the quality, productivity, competency and talent of our human capital”.

“And, there is no other way to achieve that than through an effective education policy and system,” he added.

Here’s what The Star Online posted on the school children’s victories in Moscow:

"Da! We won! Malaysian schools triumph at Russian innovation technology competition
Monday, 9 Apr 2018
1:12 PM MYT
by聽michelle tam聽and聽ashley tang

PETALING JAYA: Five of the six schools representing Malaysia emerged victorious at an international innovation technology competition in Moscow.

The six teams were the first Malaysians to compete in the 21st Moscow International Salon of Inventions and Innovation Technologies (Archimedes), which was held from April 5 to 8.

Teams from SJKT Ladang Sungai Ular, SJKT Ladang Wellesley, SJKT Arumugam Pillai, SMK Convent Father Barre, SMK Sultan Badlishah, and SMK Kulim bore the flag for Malaysia.

Archimedes is a scientific and educational event dedicated to modern technologies comprising of exhibitions, scientific conferences, presentations, and competitions.

SJKT Ladang Wellesley and SJKT Arumugam Pillai both won gold awards for their projects involving homemade diesel and a herbal hair dye respectively.

SMK Convent Father Barre won the silver award for their auto-feeder project, while SMK Sultan Badlishah and SJKT Ladang Sungai Ular took home the bronze award for their Edison saver and smart gardening system ideas.

Niranjhnaa Moorthy, a student from SMK Sultan Badlishah said he had participated in many local competitions previously but this was his first at international level.

"I was amazed to see so many other students with great ideas and I did my best to show my talent to the world.

"I made friends from all over the world and it is a really valuable experience which will help me in my future," Niranjhnaa told The Star.

Yogesvary Krishnasamy, a teacher from SJKT Arumugam Pillai, also pointed out that there were many incredible projects that showed great potential showcased at the competition, ranging from robotics to the use of solar power.

"It is exciting to think that one day, these students' ideas could be the future," she said.

Yogesvary said a lot of hard work went into their project, adding that bringing a concept from the idea to the execution stage was the biggest part of the challenge.

"That is why nurturing bright young minds is so important and why competing with students and innovators from all over the globe is really challenging," she said.

Prior to the Archimedes competition, students had to compete at national level before they were selected to compete in Moscow.

The winning projects at national level were assisted by the Talent Developing Society (TDS) to compete at international level.

TDS president Jaya Devi Sreeniwasan said when they realised that no Malaysian has participated in Archimedes before, this prompted them to make history.

"Every child has great potential to shine. When given equal opportunities, they are able to show their hidden talents," she said.

According to Jaya Devi, TDS has helped hundreds of underprivileged students in the past 10 years to develop their talent and guide them in various aspects to succeed in multiple national and international competitions."



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