BUKIT LANJAN: Of samseng Datuks in Malaysia …

BUKIT LANJAN: Of samseng Datuks in Malaysia …

https://youtu.be/VSDlOjGhWqE (Watch the samseng ‘Datuk Seri’ in action)

No mercy must be shown to anyone, especially those with socio-political influence and have been bestowed with state titles, who resort to violence to please or satisfy themselves.

The case of the “Datuk Seri” who was filmed allegedly going after a security guard who clamped the wheel of his Mercedes Benz car last Saturday (Jan 14, 2017) must not be taken lightly.

“Police must act swiftly and have the ‘Datuk Seri’ prosecuted as soon as possible if there is overwhelming evidence to do so,” Gerakan Deputy Speaker Syed Abdul Razak Alsagoff said.

He said the “Datuk Seri”, if he was guilty of beating up the security guard, had not only shamed himself and his family, but also his “friends” and the country.

“He has also brought a great deal of shame to the state award bestowed on him by the royalty,” he added.

Syed Razak, who is Gerakan’s nominee to contest N.27 Bukit Lanjan, said the police and the Attorney-General must act fast to do justice to the security guard and country.

“Already, there is wide speculation on who is the samseng (hooligan) and a blogger going by the the name Captain M (http://captainmgs.blogspot.my/2017/01/presiden-pccc-proksi-lim-guan-eng-pukul.html ) has posted his so-called expose.

“The blog posting is now being shared in Facebook,” he added.

Here is what had been posted in this blog earlier (Dec 18, 2016) on the same issue and three news reports by The Star Online and Free Malaysia Today:


BUKIT LANJAN: Crime pays in Malaysia?

Police have confirmed that the 32-year-old Datuk who was shot dead by his bodyguard in Penang is a Gang 24 underworld chieftain.

It is, therefore, most baffling that senior police officers have tried to defend the integrity of the gangster Datuk that he was just a former Emergency Order (EO) restricted residence who had yet to be charged or convicted for any crime.

The police were also quick to make seemingly a premature statement that the gunman who shot the Datuk had mental health history.

“Isn’t that a bit too premature a statement to make? Making such a statement even before the gunman had been sent for a mental health evaluation of medical check-up?

“Just what is going on in this case? Is it the tip of the iceberg of some links between the underworld and the police?” Gerakan Deputy Speaker Syed Abdul Razak Alsagoff said.

In this regard, political and social writer cum columnist Mariam Mokhtar in her blog, Rebuilding Malaysia, has hit the nail on the head with her posting titled "Datuks and Latuks, Tan Slee and Puan Silly".

“In terms of wealth accumulation and title status, the Datuk can be considered successful for his family members. In that sense crime does pay in Malaysia?

“But, obviously his life has been compromised for whatever reasons that are still unclear. Do we, Bukit Lanjan residents and Malaysians, want such a Datuk to be in our society,” said Syed Razak who is Gerakan’s nominee to contest N.37 Bukit Lanjan in the coming 14th General Election (GE14).

He said: “ It is high time that the authorities review and tighten their security or criminal records vetting system to check the rot. There have been too many embarrassing actions and behaviours in the past linking to Malaysians who have been bestowed with honorific awards and titles.

“Police checks on the criminal records of nominees for the Datukship had also obviously failed. Dubious and tainted Malaysians must be left out of any nomination for honorific awards and titles.”

Here’s what Mariam posted in her blog:


Rebuilding Malaysia
Mariam Mokhtar

Datuks and Latuks, Tan Slee and Puan Silly

· By Mariam Mokhtar

· 14 December, 2016

When will the few genuine Datuks defend their dignity, protect the sanctity of the “Datuk” award and fight off the “Latuks” of society?

The “Cash-for-Datuks” fiasco has been brewing for decades, but last week’s shooting in Penang, has propelled the debate into overdrive, on social media.

Last Thursday, businessman, Ong Teik Kwong, was shot dead, in his car, near the Penang bridge. His alleged murderer, who was seated in the passenger seat, had drawn a revolver and shot Ong in the neck.

The police confirmed that Ong was the head of “Gang 24” and had been under police surveillance. “Gang 24”, and 13 other secret societies, ran protection rackets.

On being conferred his Datukship, Ong’s peers paid RM150,000 for 50 full page adverts, in the local Chinese paper, to congratulate him.

Whilst it is not shocking to discover that Ong’s Datukship was from Pahang, it is sad that the vetting system, for these awards, had failed.

Should the Sultan’s advisers be sacked for shoddy preparatory work? Is the Sultan not privy to what goes on in the royal household? The age of the recipient is a dead give-away.

Thugs like Ong sully the few genuine Datuks, tarnish the songkok which they wear for the investiture ceremony and render meaningless the award system. In other words, having criminals as Datuks, cheapens the award.

Worse still, police checks on the criminal records of nominees for the Datukship, had also failed. What sort of message is being passed to the rakyat, when a known criminal prides himself on being called a Datuk?

Were the character checks conducted by the police, less than thorough? Was Ong vetted? Indeed, are any of the “Datuks-duit” vetted?

The underlying suggestion is that crime does pay, because Ong’s notorious past was no secret.

Ordinary Malaysians try to be model citizens. When they read reports of Ong’s death, in the local dailies, they become enraged, because of his award and the fact that the police knew about his brutal and murderous past.

Last Thursday, the alleged murderer, having shot Ong, took aim at a person in the back seat of the car, but despite being shot, this man escaped, and fled. Two innocent bystanders were also killed, whilst two more were injured by a volley of stray bullets.

Initially, some people felt sorrow for Ong, who had died a brutal death. He was only 32.

Their sadness was replaced with rage, on discovering that the alleged murderer was the businessman’s own bodyguard.

A young man, who needs an armed bodyguard, cannot be of unblemished character.

Ong had prided himself at being called “Datuk M” or “Datuk Muda”, because he was one of the youngest men, to have become a Datuk.

Gone are the days, when the nominee for a Datukship, had to be an upright citizen, without so much as a parking ticket issued to him.

The nominee would have dedicated his whole life to public service, like retired judges or ageing civil servants. Perhaps, in the private sector, the nominee’s life’s work, might have been to help less fortunate Malaysians.

If the police and the royal households want to continue to be respected, they must pull their fingers out, and do something to clean up their acts. Tensions are simmering, and the rakyat is beginning to think that crime does pay.

The youth are unhappy, whilst the old hark back to yesteryear, when money did not corrupt morals. Today’s irresponsible leaders do not care for the environment. They rape the countryside of its riches, to fuel their greed.

Nothing fills the rakyat with more contempt, than knowing that a Datuk who lived amongst them, is a criminal gang leader, an alleged murderer and someone who had been under police surveillance.

It is alleged that a sycophantic junior MAS employee, who also runs his own cargo firm, at London’s Heathrow Airport, was conferred a Datukship, because he is skilled at paying homage to one particular VVIP, who often flies from Heathrow. The Latuk turns up, to service the VVIP, even when he is off-duty, or on holiday.

A Datuk who has a whiff of scandal about him, should be stripped of his title. A complete list of newly-minted Datuks, from each state, should be made available on the net. Their ages should also be listed, and their good deeds recorded.

On the other hand, it is time the Datukships are scrapped. The abuse of power, makes a mockery of the honorific. The rakyat are not blind."


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Tuesday, 17 January 2017 | MYT 10:49 AM

Datuk Seri businessman in Jelutong clamping incident out on police bail

Filepic showing the businessman trying to remove the clamp at the condominium
GEORGE TOWN: The Datuk Seri businessman, who allegedly assaulted a security guard who was recording him trying to remove a clamp from a Mercedes-Benz, has been released on police bail.

George Town OCPD Asst Comm Mior Faridalathrash Wahid confirmed the release on Tuesday.

The businessman, who has a beauty products business, was arrested after he surrendered himself at the George Town district police headquarters in Patani Road at 11am on Monday.

A 39-second viral video clip on social media showed the Datuk Seri trying to remove a clamp from the right front tyre of his Mercedes-Benz with a steel cutter before he allegedly assaulted the security guard who was recording him using his smartphone.



Sunday, 15 January 2017 | MYT 8:35 PM

Man allegedly assaults security guard filming his failed attempt to remove wheel clamp



GEORGE TOWN: A video of a man trying to remove a wheel clamp from a Mercedes-Benz with a steel cutter before allegedly assaulting a security guard taking the video is making its rounds on social media.

The 39-second clip, taken at a condominium in Jelutong, showed the man trying to remove the clamp belonging to the management from the right front car tyre.

After several attempts, he placed the cutter on the floor, looked at the guard who was taking the video and picked up the cutter again.

He then walked towards the man taking the video and allegedly assaulted him.

Police could not ascertain if the suspect was a "Datuk" but an emblem on the car resembling those given to individuals with a such title could be seen on the vehicle.

When contacted Sunday, George Town OCPD Asst Comm Mior Faridalathrash Wahid said the incident happened at about 4pm on Saturday.

"The 43-year-old victim is a security guard working at the condominium. He claimed to have been attacked by the businessman, a condominium resident, for taking the video on his smartphone.

"According to the victim, the car was clamped for parking in the waiting area for too long.

"The suspect quarrelled with the victim before kicking and punching the guard who was taking a video of him," he said.

ACP Mior Faridalathrash added that the victim received treatment at the Penang Hospital for injuries on his left hand and forehead.

"Both parties have each lodged police reports. We are collecting statements from witnesses and viewing the CCTV footage before referring the case to the deputy public prosecutor's office.

"We are investigating the case as causing hurt with a dangerous weapon under Section 324 of the Penal Code," he said.
Attack on guard filming wheel clamp: ‘Datuk Seri’ held

Predeep Nambiar

| January 16, 2017

The man is alleged to have assaulted the guard at a condo complex in Penang yesterday.

GEORGE TOWN: A “Datuk Seri” turned himself in today after allegations that he assaulted a guard who filmed him trying to remove a wheel clamp at a condominium complex here.

Northeast district police chief ACP Mior Faridalathrash Wahid said the 50-year-old man appeared at the Patani Road police station and was subsequently arrested.

“We can place him under arrest for 24 hours. We have yet to place him under remand,” he said today.

In the 4pm incident yesterday, a man was seen trying to cut open a wheel clamp on his Mercedes-Benz S-Class at a condominium complex in Bukit Gelugor. He was later identified by police as a resident of the condo.

His car was clamped after it was parked for too long at a drop-off waiting lot.

A security guard filmed the man’s attempt to use a big bolt cutter to remove the clamp. It is not known why the man did not seek the management’s help to remove the clamp and where he got the huge bolt cutter.

When the man saw the 43-year-old guard filming him with his handphone, he swiftly approached him with the bolt cutter.

The video stops abruptly with the guard fumbling with his phone and an exchange of words between them.

The guard later lodged a police report claiming he was punched and hit with the cutter. He also sought treatment at the Penang Hospital.

The case is being investigated under the Penal Code for causing hurt.



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